Furnace TAG.com





Tag mount:
Tag material:
Tag dimensions:
2-3/8in Diameter
Manufacture location:
Bryan, OH
Manufacture date:
Between 1945 – 1965



In 1914, Dale Bard starting a contracting business to install furnaces and plumbing out of a second story office building located in Bryan, Ohio. In 1931, Dale patented his first oil furnace design which became the company's flagship manufactured product for many years to come.

Today, Bard focuses on commercial products, primarily their wall-mounted units.
Their current address is: Bard Manufacturing Company - 1914 Randolph Drive - Bryan OH 43506

Bard Manufacturing Co.


Interesting observation, and no not a typo, the year the company started and their street address are the same: 1914.
What are the odds?


Additional Resources


Logo 1990's

Logo 2020's

1914 Randolph Drive
Bryan, OH


See also: